
Placeholder Image

Placeholder Image API

Integrate our powerful API to generate custom placeholder images on-the-fly. Perfect for developers who need programmatic image creation for their applications and websites.

Empower your applications with our robust Placeholder Image API. Generate custom placeholder images programmatically with simple API calls. Specify parameters like text, width, height, and color to create dynamic, on-demand images. Our RESTful API is designed for easy integration, high performance, and reliability, making it ideal for developers working on scalable applications and dynamic websites. Explore our documentation to get started.

API Documentation

GET https://api.oneapipro.com/images/placeholder

Generate a placeholder image with the specified parameters.

curl -X GET "https://api.oneapipro.com/images/placeholder?text=Hello&width=100&height=100&color=524d66" -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Placeholder Image API User Guide


Our Placeholder Image API allows you to generate custom placeholder images with specified dimensions, background color, and optional text. This guide explains how to use the API effectively.

How It Works

  1. You send a GET request to the /images/placeholder endpoint with your desired parameters.
  2. The API creates a placeholder image based on your specifications.
  3. If text is provided, it's centered on the image with an appropriate font size.
  4. The text color is automatically set to black or white for best contrast with the background.
  5. The API returns the generated placeholder image as a PNG file.

Request Parameters

  • width (optional): Image width in pixels (default: 400)
  • height (optional): Image height in pixels (default: 300)
  • color (optional): Background color (default: "white"). Use color names or 6-digit hex codes without "#"
  • text (optional): Text to display on the image (default: empty)

Example Usage

GET /images/placeholder?width=800&height=600&color=skyblue&text=Hello%2C%20World!


The API will return a PNG placeholder image with the specified parameters. If successful, you'll receive a 200 OK status with the image data. In case of an error, you'll get an appropriate error status code and message.

All Placeholder Image Tools

Explore our comprehensive suite of placeholder image generation tools, designed to meet various needs and use cases for developers and designers.